// this is the name by which Starry Night will refer to your data (for example it uses
// this name for the menu command to turn the data on and off).
// Description
// you can put copyright information in here, or any descriptive information about
// the data (this information will be shown in Starry Night's Options dialog
// whenever editing options for this database. (It can't be more than 230 characters)
HEADER Description Modern version of the NGC and IC catalogs (originally compiled by J. L. E. Dreyer, et. al.) The first version of the catalog was released in 1888.
// Epoch (2000.0)
// the epoch that each object's ra/dec is in (J2000 is the default and produces the
// best results, so you should try and provide data in J2000)
// (Since the NGC data is in J2000 already, we don't need to do anything here, but
// if the data were, say, in J1975, we would add a line such as the following:
// HEADER <tab> Epoch <tab> 1975.0
// NumberOfObjects (1000)
// this number is used for calculating buffer sizes for the data and while it doesn't
// have to be exact, your data will respond most efficently if it is close.
HEADER NumberOfObjects 9000
// UnknownMagnitude (12.0)
// Starry Night will treat objects with no magnitude as if they were this magnitude.
HEADER UnknownMagnitude 13.0
// DrawDepth (8000)
// Starry Night draws a sky view by drawing what can be thought of as a
// number of transparencies in succession. Each data group is given an depth number
// and the layers are drawn in order of this depth. Layers having lower numbers
// get drawn first. This header item tells Starry Night at what depth to draw your
// data. Here are Starry Night's built in depths:
// Background sky 1000
// MilkyWay 2000
// Local Guides 3000
// Celestial Guides 5000
// Galactic Guides 5500
// Constellations 6000
// Ecliptic Guides 7000
// Messier 7500
// 8000 <- default custom data depth
// Stars 9000
// Last Celestial 9500 (don't create data that draws after here)
// Planets 10000
HEADER DrawDepth 8005
// CataloguePreamble ("Custom ")
// You will be assigning each piece of data in your database a catalogue number and a
// catalogue (see description of data below). Here you give each catalogue an identity.
// For example, in your data, you might assign all the data that comes from the NGC
// catalogue a catalogue number of 1, so here you would want to assign the string "NGC"
// to be catalogue label 1. If Starry Night can't find a name for your data object it
// will use this catalogue name with the catalogue number to show the object as, for
// example NGC 1301
// HEADER <tab> CataloguePreamble <tab> [1-8] <tab> [prefix for catalogue numbers using this catalogue]
HEADER CataloguePreamble 1 NGC
HEADER CataloguePreamble 2 IC
// AuxillaryLabel
// Your data can have up to 8 optional fields of data associated with it (1 through 8).
// You can assign a label for each optional field that Starry Night will use in its Get